April is the National Poetry Month. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! For the next 30 days, I'll celebrate all things poetry: the words, the poets, the blogs, the lit zines, the presses, the community.
Let's get to it...
READ IT... Get your daily fix at POETS.ORG. Delivered daily to your local inbox.
WRITE IT... Inspired? Then write a verse or two yourself and post it at POETIC ASIDES. Blog host Robert Lee Brewer sponsors the Poem-A-Day (PAD) Challenge. Write a poem a day and win a nifty badge and certificate - poetry's answer to NaNoWriMo. New this year: guest judges who may choose your ditty for a PAD anthology.
ENJOY IT... And now, one of my favorite online poetry sites: BOSTON LITERARY MAGAZINE. Curl up in your comfiest chair with a good poem and a glass of wine... ahhhhhh...
Please, join me in daring to disturb your universe. Peace, Linda
I'll stick to Seuss for my poetry, however, I would like to add something to your list of things to keep a track of:
Many of your readers have had some luck landing a short story on Every Day Fiction and by the way I'm hooked on the site. I start each day off with a new read, some of it really good, some of it not my cup, some of it just plain head-scrathingly "how the hell did they pick this one" bad.
Anyway, there is an "Every Day Poets" sister-site and you can subscribe to get a new poem delivered to your in box every day.
"Every Day (Poets or Fiction)" doesn't seem like that tough a nut to crack and it's a good place to get a reaction from a wide variety of readers because there are a lot of people happy to share their opinion about your story.
Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a plug for EDF/EDP, but when you wrote about getting a daily poetry fix, it was the first thing I thought of.
I've been away for a sorely long time...though it does have one bonus: having loads to read on your site now that I've returned!
ReplyDeleteI was quite the poet as a child, but have lost the knack in my adult years. Wonder if it's like riding a bike...