Sunday, April 01, 2012

April Showers Bring... Poems

'Tis that that time of year again, when poetry readers and writers revel in alliteration, meter, stanzas, and all things poetic. I will celebrate here by sharing poems by others, a few reviews of books of poetry, perhaps even an interview or two of poets and their writing processes.

Over at POETIC ASIDES, Writer's Digest editor and poet Robert Brewer hosts the POEM-A-DAY Challenge. This is PAD's 5th year, and the 5th time I will participate. Every morning in April, Robert posts a prompt, and the challenge is on to fashion a response. So join in and poem with us!

POEM IN YOUR POCKET falls on Thursday, April 26, the day poets across the planet use guerilla tactics to spread the word on poems. Share yours or a favorite. Stuck for which poem to fold in your pocket, read aloud, or distribute as a leaflet? Go here ==> POEM IN YOUR POCKET

I will post daily snippets of my own (hastily) constructed poems at my alter blog BLUETRUEDREAM. Please drop by and take a peek, and leave a tantalizing line or two of your own poems in the comments.

Poetry is not only showers and flowers and lovey-doveyness, and not necessarily confined to the stanza form. Indeed, prose can have its own poetic voice, a beat and flow that transcends the conveyance of meaning. Because my current work-in-progress, a story about a hunter who joins the Army and deploys to Afghanistan, involves violence and love and loss, these are the what I read: Sebastian Junger and Tim O'Brien currently on the bedside table. Passages from these authors read like poetry, and these I also will share.


1 comment:

  1. I'm very much looking forward to April here at leftbrainwrite.
