Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Am Grateful For ===> Cathy Olliffe Webster!

Who busts up the murk of Monday with her pos-i-ti-vee-tee? Who can make me laugh and cry in the same post? Who always has a kind word and a generous heart?

My favorite newly-wed Cathy Olliffe Webster!

This third Canadian, whose gratitudes graced my blog nearly every day last month, is a dynamo of energy, compassion, and grace. She blogs from MUSKOKA RIVER, a place somewhere north I'd never heard of until I 'met' Cathy. We caught up in between stops on her whirlwind honeymoon with Dave. Their adventures included meeting up Laurita Miller, fellow writer and gratitude ‘winner’ (and please go vote for round II for her BRAIN DROPPINGS, Canadian Blog Awards nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards).

Here's Cathy waxing on the important things in life...

What three things are you most grateful for today?
Today is rather spectacular, not my average day at all. First of all, it's Monday and I'm not at work (I'm grateful for that, who wouldn't be?). I'm on my honeymoon with an incredible man who loves me no matter what.(So grateful for that.) And I'm staying in one of the world's most beautiful places, Gros Morne National Park on the west coast of Newfoundland. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you can imagine a place where mountains covered with craggy rock and autumn leaves reach out to touch the Atlantic Ocean; a place dotted with charming fishing villages; a place where people are warm and wonderful – that's where I am today. And inside that beautiful place I am in a gorgeous boutique hotel, in the honeymoon suite, with a jacuzzi and a fireplace and wireless internet!! (Yay!) I'm grateful for all of it, today. I do believe it's the best Monday I've ever had in my whole life.

What gives you the most joy?
My family. My new husband, Dave, my children Angus and Sam. My wonderful mother, Dorothy. Writing also gives me joy, makes me feel whole. Gives me a reason to exist.

On a scale of 1 to 10, where when 10 is as blissed out as one could be, where would you rate your mean happiness?
I live life on an emotional rollercoaster sometimes, seeming to roll from highs to lows in a heartbeat. But, on average, I would say I'm a happy, positive person. Mark me in at seven.

What impedes your ability to attaining joy?
I'm my own worst enemy. I think I'm a very sensitive person, sensitive to the feelings and emotions of those around me, so it doesn't take much negativity to bring me down. I used to try to please everybody. But at this stage of my life I try to surround myself with people who are positive. It makes me positive, it makes me happy. And I love feeling that way.

I'm also prone to depression but I'm looking after myself as best I can. Here's my advice: see a doctor. Get some exercise. Get some sleep. Break away from people who drag you down. Surround yourself with loving, happy people. Do things that make you happy.

Wise words, Cathy -- giving love to those you love begats love back.

She emailed me today. Despite work stress and returning to oodles of stuff to do, not to mention cranky novel critique-ers, she remains pretty dang happy.

“Married life is awesome. Funny thing - it all felt weird until we got home from the honeymoon. Then I settled down and realized, hey, it's Dave, we're the same. We're fine! And now it's all good.”

THANK YOU Cathy for spreading your enthusiasm and good cheer across the cyberverse. Most of all, thank you for extending your friendship to me, a thousand miles away.

Peace, Linda


  1. Congratulations to Cathy on her marriage! How wonderful.

    She sounds like such a lovely person. Thanks for the introduction, Linda!


  2. I can tell you that Cathy is just as lovely in person as she is online. She is so sweet and full of fun. It was such a treat to meet both her and her Dave. Cathy is just one of those people that makes you feel good, and who doesn't want to be friends with someone like that? Plus, she's an awesome writer. I sure am grateful for her.

  3. Cathy is such a wonderful fireball of enthusiasm! She's a great person to *know* and I always look forward to what she has to say - which usually cracks me up. ;) She's one of those people you know really cares...

  4. Boy, I sure got you guys fooled...
    but thanks everyone! And thanks Linda! What you did with the gratitude postings was gorgeous... I made it a point of coming as often as my addled brain thought of it because I knew each comment was a dollar in the pocket of someone who needed it.
    And that's the reason you, Linda, deserve the biggest thanks of all.

  5. Linda, thanks for posting an extra large version of that great photo. I concur with everything you say about Cathy. And Cathy - that's very wise advice about surrounding yourself with positive people. There are people who are going down, people who just get along, and then there are those who are working on building themselves and others up. That third group is the kind to be around.

  6. Jeez, seeing all these smiling faces almost makes me want to change my blogger photo. Almost...

  7. One of the finest human beans I've yet to meet but I know her in my soul, Thanx for shining a bright light on the lady up north..

  8. Great Q & A, Linda and Cathy O! Great observations about Ms. Webster...she really is all that and more in person.
