Monday, August 27, 2012

School Is In

It is 5:30 in the morning. Crickets sing their melancholy, and the open windows let in the cool, darl air. In less than an hour, my son's alarm clock will begin to play whatever rock music plays at this time of the morning. He will tumble from bed, silent, unused to the dark, unused to the gentle prodding from bathroom to breakfast table to backpack.

After my son trudges up the hill to the bus stop, I will wake my daughter, wrapped in her blankets with dolls and stuffies. Her body will feel warm, and I will have the urge to lie beside her. She has more time to prepare for the bus that takes her away most mornings for the next nine months to school.

A bittersweet day. This has been a good summer--even I found the time to slow down--yet I welcome the return to schedule, to routine. And this morning, as every morning of the first day of school, I will find myself weepy-eyed as the yellow bus pulls away from the curb. Peace...


  1. I'm excited this year. Sithboy starts highschool and I know he'll like it better than gradeschool, especially as he has guitar first thing every morning. :)

    1. Ah... we should get our kids togethr on the guitar thing. My son traded in his trumpet and plays guitar in orchestra and jazz band in middle school (8th grade). I'm excited, too--can't wait to see what my kids do this year. Peace...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just wait until it's the first day of senior year for your youngest!! Here's to the bitter and the sweet. Hope you are well. (Sorry, Linda; that was me above ... old screen name!)

    1. Ann, I cannot face the empty nest. Nope. Never. Nada.

      I am well. Hope you are, too. Miss you. Now go write your thesis :) peace...

  4. Beautiful early morning imagery. And I am so glad you had a good summer.

  5. *sigh*

    Lovely words, Linda. While it's sometimes a relief to get back to a schedule (and get the kids out of the house for a few hours!) it is sad to get them up so early and send them off to work their little brains so hard. But it's the best thing for them.

