Monday, May 25, 2009

In Memory - Lost Words Virtual and Cyber

My Dell laptop. Six years of faithful service. This morning booting resulted in nothing but a grey, quiet screen. No signs or symptoms of impending demise, just a peaceful death.

Something nudged at me this Saturday, though; I did a complete backup onto my external hard-drive.

Gotta listen to those gut feelings.

ALSO IN MEMORY - my original blog. Google gobbled it up one day, with no warning. Apparently old code, still lurking in my html and counting away my doomsday unbeknownst to me, was the mal-icious bearer. Reimported much here - looks familiar, hunh? - but lost widgets: lists, followers, contacts, all my creds.

SO PLEASE UPDATE YOUR URL, just add "linda-" before the old name. []

And please - FOLLOW ME again and pass along your links in comments below if I've overlooked you.

Peace, Linda


  1. sniff...she will be deeply missed. :(

  2. The same thing happened to me with my Gateway laptop - but mine was only about a month out of warranty. Grrr.

  3. Good to see you are back up and running, Linda.

  4. Thanks guys! Yes, it is good to be up and running - for the 3rd time in a week. Watch google restore my original blog - back to the old url.

    The laptop's running nicely, too. My 17" screen - nice. Peace, Linda

  5. Uh, yeah. Size counts - big time


  6. OK, updated my blog roll and fixed the links in the interview too. Would appreciate it if you could add me to your blog roll again. Pout.

    I have a 17" screen on my laptop too. So nice. Not so nice if you take it with you all the time, but since mine mostly stays on my desk I don't mind the extra weight.

  7. You're like the white rabbit, Linda, but I'm as dogged as Alice. I'll follow your blog through whatever cyber hole you hop.


  8. Thanks John and Jon! JC, I appreciate your patience. I've been learning webmastery via bootstraps, and uploaded the wrong way. I'm hoping this is the last of the hopping.

    Jon, you're linked. Glad you caught, because I uploaded all the blogs I follow and yours, well, it's always been 'special' and didn't cooperate. In now. Peace, Linda

  9. To give your intuition a helping hand, here's a tip from a gear head pal who advised me to keep an eye on my seven year old Dell PC: Control Panel / Admin Tools / Event Viewer /
    System - watch the warnings or errors, if the same ones repeat from day to day, find out what and why.
    fwiw. ;>)

  10. Ah, Mike, thanks for the hint. I didn't know and off to check it out. My baby went to dell hospital 14 months ago, so I knew it was hospice time. She was a sturdy thing - banged out 13 gigabytes of 'real' words (saved ones) and another 22 of work words. She was tired...

    Thanks for popping by! Peace, Linda
