--Greta Igl @ FOR WRITE OR WRONG. Thoughtful contemplations on the process of writing, with a lot of excellent recipes thrown in to feed the stomach and soul.
--Paige @ PARADISE VALLEY 2 is a poet, photographer, paper maker, and all-around creator of beautiful stuff.
--Jodi MacArthur @ FICTION WRITER creates fantastical stories that amaze - and horrify.
--Michael J. Solender @ NOT FROM HERE, ARE YOU?. Funny, irreverent, and some damn fine writing to boot.
--Angel Zapata @ A RAGE OF ANGEL. This dude writes horror and (shhhhhh... it's a secret) poetry that makes the heartstrings sing.
--Melissa @ WINDSPIRIT GIRL. Poetess extraordinaire, she's mixing up words with images and getting "electroboy" results.
--John Wiswell @ THE BATHROOM MONOLOGUES. Pure, unadulterated fiction. Lotsa fun.
Part II of the KB award was a bit tougher - listing 7 favorite mystery writers. This was a stretch; I don't read much of this genre. Or so I thought. My picks tend to come from another century and have a decidely UK slant:
--Josephine Tey - The Singing Sands
--Daphne DuMaurier - Rebecca
--Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White and The Moonstone
--P.D. James - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman
--Carolyn Keene - The Nancy Drew mysteries
--Edgar Allen Poe - The Murder in the Rue Morgue
--Patricia Cornwall - Body of Evidence
The Writing... Ugh. Revamping PURE. Started off with 6 voices, then struggled with 3, now down to a single POV. I think I'll write several versions of the same novel, and choose the one I like best. I'm in no hurry...
The Reading... Just finished THE ADDERALL DIARIES by Stephen Elliott. Superb memoir. TOLSTOY LIED by Rachel Kadish also in the done read stack, and also superb - and very provocative for this ivory tower wench. Next up: THE SOUL THIEF by Charles Baxter, AVOIDANCE by Michael Lowenthal, and GRAVITY'S RAINBOW by Pynchon. That'll take up most of the rest of this year.
Hope your Labor Day involved very little laboring. Peace, Linda
Linda, congratulations on receiving the award! You do have a great blog that I enjoy reading.
ReplyDeleteI saw that you became a follower on my blog, just wanted to say thanks for joining.
Hey, it looks like you run with a good crowd. Nice blog picks.
Aren't you just da'bomb??!! I'm so pleased at least somebody reads my blog, let it alone recommends it. And props from a writer to boot. WOOT!!!! Thanks Linda. You and your friends are welcome at my place anytime!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so honored to know you--and you recommend my blog? You are incredibly kind. Congrats once again on the award. That is so waaaaayyyyyy cool. And deserved.
ReplyDeleteUnleashed Most creative blog winner (!!!). Thank you for recommending my blog and your kind words! I feel honored to be on your short list. ;) Your other recommendations are my favorites also. You have great taste.
ReplyDeletePs. Great mystery choices. I really enjoyed Body Of Evidence By Patricia Cornwell.
I so seldom visit the forums much and would have felt awful if I had missed it. But didn’t because of a visit to Jon’s place the other day.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on being nominated and getting this great award. You are a much bigger inspiration then you may think.
And thank you for you kindness to mention me with such a great bunch of bloggers.
Congrats, Linda - to you and your nominees. You have a wonderful blog and Jon made a good choice.
ReplyDeleteKongratulations on your Kreativ award!
ReplyDelete"John Wiswell @ THE BATHROOM MONOLOGUES. Pure, unadulterated fiction. "
I guess I don't write enough about adultery. I'm taking this criticism to heart and will strive to fix it.
You guys are SUPER!
ReplyDeleteAdultery. *snort"
Blog on! Peace, Linda
Yikes! How did I miss this post? Sorry, Linda. Thanks so much for the award. It's in an honor. And my poetry will remain a secret...