Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Very pumped to find my wee story The Way It Is in the June 2012 issue of Scissors and Spackle. Brilliant writer Joani Reese guest edited the fiction portion of this issue, and from the looks of it, she has a future as an bang-up editor, too. Available on-line and in print, this issue features work by some of the best fiction writers (and poets) around: David Tomaloff, Bill Lantry, Jules Archer, Mary Ann Knowlton, Meg Tuite, Alex Pruteanu, Gita Smith, Andrew Stancek, James Claffey, Susan Tepper, and a whole host more. Check out Ghostwaters by my 'neighbor' Luke Rolfes for one of the most honest portrayals of loving someone with an addiction.

If you still don't have enough to read, check out JMWW's Summer 2012 Issue, also jam-packed with poetry, fiction, and book-review goodies (including that Bill Lantry fellow again). 'tis where I wear my editor's hat, so always pleased when each issue comes together in a beautiful package (due to our Jen Michalski's fearless vision).

Happy reading, and peace...


  1. Congratulations, Mizz Awesome Writer Lady! Not surprised at all to hear you're making inroads. Will definitely check it out. Keep up the great work!

  2. Congrats, Linda. I plan on checking that one out and look forward to reading your piece, always.
