Tuesday, December 28, 2010


twenty-six is out.

The best of the second quarter of 52/250 flashes, 26 features tremendous writers and artisits, including Marcus Speh, Catherine Russell, Kim Hutchsinson, the Susans (Susan Tepper and Susan Gibb), Dorothee Lang, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, Guy Yasko, the Matts (Matt Hamilton and Matt Potter), Al Mc Dermid, Nicolette Wong, Bernard Heise, Stephen Hastings-King, and about two dozen others, give or take. And of course, the flash-wisdom of congenial hosts Michelle Elvy, John Wentworth Chapin, and Walter Bjorkman.

Thank you kind editors for selecting several of my stories, including STONE, which you can listen to HERE.

Come join in the fun. Read and listen, then take your own spin at the weekly theme. Peace...


  1. great story and wonderful read. congrats!

  2. Yes, congratulations! I love that story and how nice to hear your voice reading it!

  3. How fun!
    I listened to you as I read along.
    Very cool.

  4. Congrats on the print pub, Linda. Of course, I popped over and listened to you read. It's a beautiful tale. This part reached inside and touched me, "He stares at Stone. He waters Earth with his eyes.“Carol,” he says. “I miss you.”"

