Thursday, May 22, 2008


<===Cool ribbon, huh?

Robert Brewer, intrepid leader of POETIC ASIDES and last month's daily poetry challenge in honor of National Poetry Writing Month, handed out awards yesterday for those of us taking up the gauntlet.

Anyhoo, about 100 of us wrote a daily poem, which was no easy feat. I was pleased just to be able to push the submit button every night. This year's NaPoWriMo Laureate award goes to Sarah Doyle, who penned some of my favoritest verse throughout the month.

I LOVED this challenge, appreciated the way it made me think and remember in response to the prompt du jour, the way it pushed me to think about word choice and meter. And although most of my poems were rough hewn, a few were featured in his daily highlights (and he's still rolling them out). Best of all, I have 30-plus poems to work on during the year.

That said, I'm glad it's over. April was a demanding month - prepping for GRUB STREET, the April-a-day-poetry-prompt, winding up the most arduous part of a writing class. Time to focus on final, final edits on BRIGHTER THAN BRIGHT.

Eight more days... over and out. Peace, Linda


  1. Pomp and circumstance is a grand time indeed.
    So many firsts and thousands more to go. Be sure and try to capture each one in a photo, poem, story or any way you can, as they can be as fleeting as a lost memory. Speaking of which I enjoyed reading your memory piece again. Is there a trick to making the badge work? I can’t get it to show up on my blog

  2. May 22nd.

    *runs off again before Linda can throw something at me*

  3. Hey, maybe when it's all done, you'd like to post some more of the poems for us faithful readers of your blog?

    I'd love to

  4. Paige, sent you what I had, and what RB sent was what I sent! (I fixed it for him).

    Twiz baby, on June 2 I will throw MY BOOK at you - how's that? Thanks for the nudge.

    Chrys, thank you for liking my poems. I'll be happy to post DRAFTS (as all these are), cuz I want to publish the finals.

    Hope all are well. Peace, Linda
