There's a new litzine in town -- THIRTEEN. Edited by the Michelle Elvy, Walter Bjorkman, and John Wentworth Chapin, Thirteen is dedicated to the 52 best flashes under 250 words generated in the weekly themed 52/250 Flash a Year challenge.
And what gorgeous, eclectic stuff. Stories (and poems) about strange worlds, terror, red meat, smoke in cars, and space camp. Indulge yourself in these petite treats. I'm honored to see my poem Partly Revealed (theme = cartography) in the company of such fine stories. Scroll down and read my Biography when you have a chance -- it's different, I promise.
Thank you to Michelle, John, and Walter -- you three have created marvelous community and an elegant new journal.
For an entirely different experience, grab some popcorn and head over to At The Bijou for tonight's feature presentation WELCOME TO INTERIM. Truly a collaborative work, Welcome to Interim is told in four voices, played by Salvatore Buttaci, Laurita Miller, Anthony Venutolo, and Yours Truly (I'm Mimosa, in case you can't figure it out). Thanks Kate for hosting us -- hope we don't wreck the place!
Tickled pink that Camroc Press Review will run A ∩ B (an original 52/250 flash) and Last Time in October. Whew! The dry spell is over. Thanks Barry!
And that wraps it up for today. Live well, write well, love better. Peace, Linda
Cool! This is good to know about. Thanks for the head's up!
Cool. You have been a bz bee!
ReplyDeleteMy dear Linda!
ReplyDeleteThank you for inviting me to read WELCOME TO INTERIM. I did enjoy. What a nice blend of authors.
Congrats to you and your fellow writers.
And wow-- Congrats on your other successes as well. :)
It was so much fun working with you guys on Welcome to Interim. That's our second group project now. Let's do it again sometime.
ReplyDeleteI'm off to check out Thirteen, and your bio.
PontifiKating ~
ReplyDeleteWELCOME TO INTERIM, with the Fab-4 voices ringing out in all their own 'timely' chimes is a genuine work of art, writers'craft and pure delight to behold -- I've found the fun in the re-reads and a name like Mimosa to drink in ... In less than a day, this chatelaine AT THE BIJOU happily reports that 93 folks (including that cool Kim/Kenaipi, have dropped in already for a look-see. Linda, Laurita, Ant and Sal - you gave Collaborative'Cool a whole new temp, er ... time.
THANK*YOU for the splendid rendition which workin' off of each other's brains has tilted - splashed - timely created. AS FOR THIRTEEN AND THE PROFESSORIAL BIO ... wowzers Lady Linda ... you know your inner soul well. Go Ben!
~ Absolutely*Kate
Believing in Believers
(especially those who live Gratitude!)
Thanks all! And AK, so glad you dropped by to spread your stardust on my wee blog!
ReplyDeleteWriting-wise, been a spendiferous week so far. Peace...
"Wee blog"???
ReplyDeleteOh Lady Linda -- I find your blog eminently magnificent -- an honour to the fine craft of writing, writers, write sites and inherent inspiration. Since I'm going over my picks right now for NFL wk#1 (!), and am in a gamblin' mood -- I'd bet odds that all your loyal readers find it that way too.
Loved the stardust-spreading phrase though - SEE? You've inspired me the more. (So glad you're out there - betcha all the other writers say that too!) ~ Absolutely*Kate
Linda, there's an award for you at my blog!
Wow Wow and Wow ~ Glad you're getting this much deserved attention.
ReplyDeleteThanks again AK! I will have to check out the football thing -- I have to admit -- I don't really follow (baseball girl myself, and college basketball -- go HEELS!).
ReplyDeleteJai, thank you! I'm gonna stew on my words and the next round of recipients, and post in a few days.
Mark, thanks. Believe me, the rejections outnumber the the acceptances by a super wide margin. It's been disheartening. Peace...